
Showing posts from June, 2016

10 positive Steps to overcoming obsession in a relationship

Do you think you are obsessive about your relationship? Some people struggle to tell the difference between a healthy relationship and an obsessive one. Without realizing they obsess over their partner, they find themselves wanting to constantly be with them, always wanting to know where they are, and trying to control their behaviour. This behaviour is damaging to both partners and it often ruins relationships. If you want to overcome your relationship obsession and find genuine love, follow these 10 steps. 1. Be aware of your obsession If you are reading this article, there is a good chance that you think you may be obsessive. Admit to yourself that you are becoming obsessive – once you know there is a problem, you can start to fix it. 2. Realize the difference between genuine love and artificial love No partner can fix your flaws or remove the challenges from your life; only you can do that. Artificial love is loving the version of someone you have created in your mind. This is rare...

Quitting?This is not the time,You can make it.

Quitting? Not an Option for me. Persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. Many times in life we are faced with so many challenges and at times the going gets so tough that you just want to quit. I have been there and still go through stuffs till date but one thing I have told myself is that No matter the situation I find myself in at every point in time I will never take my eyes off the prize I have set for myself, that is to become the best in what so ever I set my mind to do. Once you live on this planet Earth you can never be free from Life’s lessons but one thing you must bear in mind is don’t let your immediate environs & words of discouragement from others suppress you. Just stay focused, be committed to whatever you're doing, and be willing to learn new things every day. I assure you that you shall definitely succeed in the long run . I have come to understand life in my own little way from the experiences I have had.  Honestly I wo...

Do you know these Home remedies can help you lose weight?

If you've ever noticed your pants feeling a little bit tighter, or your shirt becoming more snug around your stomach, chances are you're gaining weight. Although minor fluctuations of 1 to 2 pounds per day are normal in most people, a consistent rise in weight for an extended period of time is a cause for concern.The most common cause of weight gain is consuming too much fat and not doing enough exercise to burn off the excess calories. What typically leads us to gain weight and become obese are imbalances in the mind and body: Physical Imbalance: stored toxins in our digestive tract can drain our energy and cause us to eat stimulating foods such as sugar that can lead to weight gain. Nutritional Imbalance: eating foods that don't provide the body with the essential nutrients that it needs to function optimally. Mental and Emotional Imbalance: indulging in excess food is often used to overcome uncomfortable feelings in our daily lives, such as stress and anxiety. By corre...

Do you know eating beans has good Health benefits?

Beans are a super healthy, super versatile and super affordable food. Beans are high in antioxidants, fiber, protein, B vitamins, iron, magnesium, potassium, copper and zinc. Eating beans regularly may decrease the risk of diabetes, heart disease, colorectal cancer, and helps with weight management. Beans are hearty, helping you feel full so you will tend to eat less.As we get older, we need fewer calories and beans are a great way to boost the nutrition power of your meal without boosting the calories. A half-cup of beans has only about 100 calories. Some Health Benefits of Beans(CowPeas) Digestive Health: When you’re facing digestive issues, such as constipation or diarrhea, it can be an uncomfortable and embarrassing problem. Dietary fiberis one of the best solutions for a wide range of stomach issues, as it can help to absorb water and loosen up the stool, bulking up your bowel movements and stimulating peristaltic motion. It can also improve the efficiency of your digestion. Most...

Sudden cardiac arrest versus a Heart Attack

The heart has an internal electrical system that controls the rhythm of the heartbeat. Problems can cause abnormal heart rhythms, called arrhythmias. There are many types of arrhythmia. During an arrhythmia, the heart can beat too fast, too slow, or it can stop beating. Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) occurs when the heart develops an arrhythmia that causes it to stop beating. This is different than a heart attack, where the heart usually continues to beat but blood flow to the heart is blocked. There are many possible causes of SCA. They include coronary heart disease, physical stress, and some inherited disorders. Sometimes there is no known cause for the SCA. Without medical attention, the person will die within a few minutes. People are less likely to die if they have early defibrillation. Defibrillation sends an electric shock to restore the heart rhythm to normal. You should give cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to a person having SCA until defibrillation can be done. If you have ...

Do you want to maintain and sustain good health? Here are 8 fruits you can eat

Nature has bestowed humankind with natural gifts like fruits, which are essential to maintain and sustain good health. Fruits provide you with your daily dose of freshness, also detoxifying your body in the process. Those who have high blood sugar levels or are diabetic cannot enjoy this gift of natural goodness as freely as they would like to. This is because of the high glycaemic index of fruits. Different fruits, irrespective of their family line, have a certain amount of sugar and some fruits are not good for consumption by diabetics. Here is a compilation of fruits which are perfectly safe for diabetics to consume, without having to worry about their sugar content later. Have a look! 1. Guava: Having a considerably low glycaemic index, Guava's are one of the healthiest fruits that diabetics can consume without any hesitation. Since guava is rich in dietary fiber, it goes easy on the tummy, helps ease constipation (a common diabetic complaint) and can even possibly lower the ch...

Top 6 economic ways Startups can increase their fan base on Social media

Many entrepreneurs often say that doing your own business is a ticket to success. Although starting your own business is never easy, hard work and determination certainly land entrepreneurs into a desired point. With the more globalized world and technology , there comes a time to quickly grow any business . Social Media looks like it's the answer to many startups with very little or no marketing budgets. Realizing this, many start ups create official social media pages reaching out to clients not only in their locality but around the world. Africa’s leading online hotel booking website,Jovago points out 6 economic ways startups can increase their fan base on social media. 1. Share useful and valuable content - Many startups make the grievous mistake of confusing the art of making their social media pages attractive and fun with posting ‘’junk’’ or otherwise unnecessary content. Not everything is worth putting out there. Social media followers are such that, they expect compa...

Here are 13 tips on how to improve your work-life balance.

Work-life balance is unique to each of us because we each have different priorities and lives. However, two important everyday notions that are relevant to each of us lie at the heart of a good work-life balance definition. They are daily Achievement and Enjoyment, ideals that are almost deceptively simple. Achievement and enjoyment are the front and back sides of the value coin in life. One cannot exist without the other, any more than a coin can exist with simply one side. Trying to live a one-sided life explains why so many "successful" individuals are unhappy, or are not as happy as they could be. You cannot get the most out of life unless you have both Achievement and Enjoyment. Avoiding the "As Soon As Trap" by focusing on Achievement and Enjoyment every day of your life.   Prioritizing your career and personal life in today's hectic world can be difficult. However, research shows that a poor work-life balance can lead to unhealthy levels of stress, unhapp...