Things You Need To Learn About Your Private Part Care

The v@gina is one of the most vulnerable parts of a woman’s body. A poor sense of hygiene and inadequate care can expose it to harmful bacteria and viruses which cause infections like syphilis, genital warts, herpes, chlamydia, etc. Notable signs of these infections include itching and an unpleasant stench. This smell is usually strong, and can get you into an embarrassing situation (imagine taking off your underwear, and he takes a hike…). This is why it is important that as a woman, you take caring for your body very seriously. There are a couple of ways this can be done, and I’ll be letting you in on them through this piece. 1. V@GINAL SECRETIONS AND DISCHARGE Other than your period as part of your natural menstrual cycle, it’s normal to produce clear or white secretions (discharge) from your v@gina. This mucus is produced naturally from the neck of the womb, known as the cervix. Most people believe that this discharge is associated with s*x*ally transmitted infections, but this isn...