
Showing posts from January, 2017

7 Positive And Powerful Ways to Live a Healthy Lifestyle

It’s been established that the day-to-day choices you make influence whether you maintain vitality as you age or develop life-shortening illnesses and disabling conditions like heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and stroke. You may understand exactly what you need to do to enjoy a healthier & happier life. Often, the biggest hurdle is inertia. It's true that it isn't easy to change ingrained habits like driving to nearby locations instead of walking, let's say, or reaching for a donut instead of an apple. However, gradually working toward change improves your odds of success. Here are some strategies that can help you enact healthy change in your life, no matter what change (or changes) you'd like to make. 1. Eat a Variety of Foods Foods contain combinations of nutrients and other healthful substances. No single food can supply all nutrients in the amounts you need. For example, oranges provide vitamin C but no vitamin B12; cheese provides vitamin B12 but...

Healthy Living:How to Stay Fit Despite a Busy Schedule

It’s easy to dream about keeping a schedule that’s perfectly balanced between self-care and being productive on a calm Sunday afternoon. However, as soon as the work week starts and things get a little crazy, all of that self-care and balance usually tends to go out the window. Most of us almost always fall back into old habits as soon as things become a little bit challenging. So how do you combat that? How do you set yourself up for a successful week even when you’re super busy? Here are Seven simple tips that can make a world of difference. 1.Prioritize Honestly, you can’t do everything or please everyone in just a day. Before you sleep, make a list of the important things you have to do.  So take a good hard look at all of the work you’re putting on that never-ending to-do list of yours and prioritize. 2.START YOUR MORNING IN A PEACEFUL WAY Instead of waking up and immediately checking your email, pause and take a few deep breaths. This small change will make such a big differ...

How a young leader can manage older workforce

With youth comes a variety of challenges; the transition to adolescence, making huge decisions about your future and starting a career. Young leaders may face the hardest challenges, with questioning of their authority, knowledge and lack of experience by their elder peers. Jordan Daykin, CEO of GripIt Fixings and one of Britain’s Leading Young Entrepreneurs gives his advice on managing an older workforce. Old habits die hard: Don’t be the boss – at least, don’t appear to be’ – I once read. It’s important that business leaders endeavour to treat all staff equally, irrespective of their age, and as the old saying goes, treat those as you would wish to be treated – in the workplace this extends to not asking anyone to do anything you aren’t prepared to do yourself. This is particularly true as the owner of a start-up. There are mundane tasks during the early days but this gives young leaders the chance to get stuck in with everyone – don’t immediately delegate. Old habits die hard, so g...

How to prevent Joint pain

Joint pain is considered the most common health problem faced during winter season. But one can prevent joint pain and keep them healthy and strong by following certain things. A healthy diet One should eat a nutritious and healthy diet consisting of lots of vegetables, cereals, dairy products, pulses and seasonal fruits to prevent joint pain. Eat foods rich in Vitamins Those people who are suffering from knee pain and generalised joint pain should eat foods that are rich in vitamins (C, D and K) and minerals, especially calcium. Foods like spinach, cabbage, tomatoes and oranges are rich sources of both vitamins and minerals. Regular exercise Stretching and exercises done with light weights are good for people with knee problems or joint pain. Regular exercising such as cycling, walking, aerobics and swimming also strengthens the knee muscles and improves flexibility. Do not take bath with cold water One should avoid bathing with cold water as it increases the chances of a person exper...