7 Positive And Powerful Ways to Live a Healthy Lifestyle

It’s been established that the day-to-day choices you make influence whether you maintain vitality as you age or develop life-shortening illnesses and disabling conditions like heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and stroke. You may understand exactly what you need to do to enjoy a healthier & happier life. Often, the biggest hurdle is inertia. It's true that it isn't easy to change ingrained habits like driving to nearby locations instead of walking, let's say, or reaching for a donut instead of an apple. However, gradually working toward change improves your odds of success. Here are some strategies that can help you enact healthy change in your life, no matter what change (or changes) you'd like to make. 1. Eat a Variety of Foods Foods contain combinations of nutrients and other healthful substances. No single food can supply all nutrients in the amounts you need. For example, oranges provide vitamin C but no vitamin B12; cheese provides vitamin B12 but...