Men Health !!! Do you know watermelon is good for you in a special area?

It's believed the humble watermelon boasts properties that can boost blood flow to the penis. Erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence, is the inability to get and maintain and erection. It can have a range of causes, including narrowing of the blood vessels, a problem usually associated with diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. While some men opt for Viagra as a way to treat the condition, experts say watermelon can be used as a natural treatment thanks to the amino acid citrulline, which can help ‘relax’ blood vessels. Lily Soutter, Nutritionist at said: “Watermelons have now been coined as nature’s Viagra. “Research has shown that these effects are down to their high concentrations of an amino acid called citrulline. “When consumed, citrulline is converted into the amino acid arginine, which boosts nitric oxide – the responsible agent for relaxing and dilating blood vessels. “This effect can improve blood flow to the ...