How To Whiten Your Teeth Naturally with These foods

You are probably aware of certain beverages that stain your teeth, such as tea, coffee, and red wine. But you may not know that just as some foods and drinks cause dental stains, others help clean and whiten them naturally. And there’s more good news – most of these teeth-whitening foods are Foundation Foods on the Save Our Bones Program, so they’re excellent for building bones, too. Today you’ll learn about the bone-smart foods that naturally whiten your teeth, starting with one of my favorite snack foods… 1.Nuts And Seeds All kinds of nuts can whiten teeth, because their abrasive texture helps scour away stains. They also stimulate teeth-cleaning saliva when you chew them. Some examples of bone-healthy nuts include 2.Broccoli And Celery Fibrous raw vegetables like broccoli and celery “scrub” the teeth not unlike a scouring pad on a stained pot or pan. Interestingly enough, dark green, leafy vegetables like broccoli contain iron, which forms a sort of protective coating over teeth, sh...