The Key to a Strong Relationship: The Importance of Effective Communication in Marriage

Effective communication is vital in all relationships, but it is especially important in marriage. Effective communication is critical to developing a strong, healthy, and long-lasting relationship between couples. Communication is the means by which all other vital aspects of marriage are accomplished. If you love someone but don't express it via your words and actions, you aren't doing your spouse justice. If you trust someone, tell them so. Marriage and communication should go hand in hand. Communication is more than just sharing words; it also includes body language and tone of voice. Effective communication requires both sides to be honest, straightforward, and understanding. Love? Trust? Honesty? Of course, these are all important. But one factor that seems to be talked about much less is communication in marriage. The way a married couple discusses their issues, or if they discuss anything at all, is crucial to a sustained and fulfilling marriage. The importance of com...