The Science Behind Genotype: Exploring Its Significance

It is very important for a couple to get their blood type checked before getting married or having a baby, as it can determine the health of the child. Instead of waiting till you meet that special half with whom you will spend your lifetime before realizing the importance of such specific medical tests, why not go for these medical tests now that you're probably single or have not met that special someone yet? Whether you're a man or woman, you should undergo a hemoglobin genotype test now before you meet your lifetime partner when it might either be too late or the outcome of your incompatibility could drive you into a mental breakdown. What is a Genotype? A genotype is an individual's complete genetic constitution, or the genetic makeup of an organism or group of organisms in relation to a single trait, a set of traits, or an entire complex of traits. In a nutshell, your genotype is your complete heritable genetic identity; the sum of genes passed down from parent to off...