How to become more confident

2 Timothy 1:7:For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Philippians 4:13: I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Confidence-building is a virtuous cycle. No one but you is in the driver’s seat. All you have to do is buckle up and try something you've never tried before, something you’re not sure you can do, something that scares you. Speak in front of a live audience.Stand up for yourself when you need to. Then try something else new. Do it again and again until you know deep down in your bones that you’re unstoppable, like there’s nothing you can’t do.When you have confidence, you feel as though you can do anything in life. You can ace that job interview and live the life you have always wanted. When you don’t have confidence, however, life can seem like a real pain. You might shy away from even attending the job interview because you know you won’t get the job anyway, and you might drift ...