Tips on How to ensure your liver function properly

The liver is a large, meaty organ that sits on the right side of the belly. Weighing about 3 pounds, the liver is reddish-brown in color and feels rubbery to the touch. Normally you can't feel the liver, because it's protected by the rib cage.

The liver has two large sections, called the right and the left lobes. The gallbladder sits under the liver, along with parts of the pancreas and intestines. The liver and these organs work together to digest, absorb, and process food.

The liver's main job is to filter the blood coming from the digestive tract, before passing it to the rest of the body. The liver also detoxifies chemicals and metabolizes drugs. As it does so, the liver secretes bile that ends up back in the intestines. The liver also makes proteins important for blood clotting and other functions.

Things you can avoid to ensure your liver will function properly

1.Incorporate proper foods and eating habits
To safely begin detoxifying the liver, you don't want to run out and get the ingredients for the master cleanse or buy a potent herbal liver detoxification kit. Rather, you want to focus first on your diet and proper eating habits first.

You need to rest your digestive tract by eating smaller and lighter meals that are nutrient dense and easily assimilated and always stopping when you feel around 80% full. Some good options that fit this bill are low sugar smoothies, juices, salads, soups, and fermented foods like sauerkraut and coconut kefir. Stay as raw and low sugar as possible so as to rest your liver function and provide it with the necessary enzymes to properly do its job of detoxification.

2.Eliminate foods, products, and daily habits that hurt your liver
On the flip side, you need to eliminate or largely avoid foods and habits that will slow down or compromise liver function. This includes eating fats from animal meat, butter, dairy, and vegetable oils. Refined flour products, sugar, alcohol, and caffeine will also weaken the liver, primarily due to digestive distress and excessive sugar/starch handling that is required. Avoiding any foods that are GMO is also incredibly important.

Also, do your best to avoid chemicals in your food supply by making cleaner choices, and purify your water and air appropriately. Take note of personal care and household products that contain unrecognizable ingredients and substitute them with natural products.

Finally, realize that any prescriptions or medications are especially damaging to the liver and will always compromise its function. Lack of sleep and negative thoughts also contribute to its decline, so improving your sleep patterns and mindset are a must.

3.Consume liver detoxifying foods and herbs
To crank up your liver detoxification a bit more, focus on foods and herbs that are noted as being especially cleansing to the liver, including:

•Leafy green vegetables
Consuming these foods and herbs on a consistent basis will help support, detoxify, and nourish your liver so that it can become healthy again and remove toxins on a day-to-day basis.

4.Improve your digestion
The gastrointestinal tract serves as the first line of defense once toxins have entered the body. If it becomes compromised, it allows disease causing agents to take root, often to the point that they break through the intestinal membrane and get into the bloodstream.

Once the bowels have become toxic, the rest of the body will soon follow. If the intestines keep on letting toxins through, the liver will bear most of the burden of eliminating these toxins by filtering and rendering these substances harmless and excreting them out of the body through the urine and stool. This is why improving your digestion is critical, to ensure there is not an excessive and consistent stream of toxins for your liver to deal with, or it will eventually become severely compromised.


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