Welcome to one of Accra's most Beautiful Hotel and Suites called NUMBER ONE OXFORD STREET


Are you thinking about Experiencing  luxury in the heart of Accra? then i will recommend Number One Oxford Street hotel and Suites.

Number One Oxford street Hotel and Suites vision is to provide a unique and luxury hospitality experience in Accra’s premier location. With 21 different unique experiences under one roof, Number One Oxford Street is the ideal destination for modern travel convenience, privacy, luxury, safety, comfort, and customized services with the familiarity of being at home. The team understands the unique needs of discerning guests and creates tailor-made experiences to meet your individual needs. Their philosophy is based on the principle that your professional, residential and social needs while traveling can be provided in a single location.

Featured Amenities

With 21 different unique experiences under one roof, Number One Oxford Street is the ideal destination for modern travel convenience, privacy, luxury, safety, comfort, and customized services with the familiarity of being at home.







For Booking and Reservation clink on below link.

                                                       BOOK NOW


  1. This is excellent and beauty personified....amazing...Ghana is taking over now

  2. Another place we have seen, when at Urbano Hotel or driving through Dankwa Circle. Good write up, filled with basic relevant information for the general public.

    1. wow,your kind words and comment means a lot to me.Thank you so much for your comment big brother.


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